
Career Coaching

I am infinitely fascinated with how people choose to express who they are through their work. I work with my clients to become intentional about the influences on these choices and to understand how their choices can change as they identify their values. Because I know that it is our values that guide us to work that is good, satisfying, and purpose-driven, I partner with my clients to explore and identify their driving values.

Together we explore questions such as:

  • 1
    How do I figure out what I want to do with my life?
  • 2
    I’m feeling stuck. How do I get unstuck?
  • 3
    I enjoy my work, but I want more. Do I stay or look elsewhere?

Leadership Development

Sometimes our career choices are determined by comparing and contrasting ourselves with those we admire and respect. I believe this is the case, too, in choosing to pursue leadership opportunities.

In my leadership development work I help my clients answer these guiding questions:

  • 1
    What is my aspirational leadership role?
  • 2
    What are my current strengths that will help me move toward my personal vision for my leadership journey?
  • 3
    What are the opportunities to move me from who I am now as a leader to who I want to become as a leader?

Executive Coaching

Your success relies on you continuing to learn and develop in your career as you progress from subject matter expert, individual contributor, and team member to a manager of people and leader of a department, division, or organization. With each step along the way, we need different kinds of support and resources.

Together we explore these inquiries:

  • 1
    How do I lead with a sense of purpose and mission?
  • 2
    How can I develop more of a leadership presence?
  • 3
    What is the best communication style for leading my team?